What Can A Car Accident Attorney Do For You?

Posted on: 17 September 2019


Car accidents are expensive. They almost always include the high price of hospital bills, insurance rate increases, and car repairs. If you were in the automobile that was struck, you should not have to shoulder these expenses alone, no matter how much insurance the other driver had. Accident attorney lawyers are available to help you get the compensation you need to pay for your repairs and expenses. There are many things a car accident attorney can help you with, including but not limited to:

Determining Your Claim Amount

Deciding just how much to claim from your insurance agency can sometimes be a challenge. For example, does the cost of your post-injury chiropractic appointment get recovered? If you have been doing your due diligence, you should have a complete list of your injuries, treatments, medical reports, and any expenses you have had. The damages of your car should also be noted. You may also consider including a certain value to cover your pain and suffering. An insurance adjuster will be sent to go over all of your expenses with you. If you so choose, you may have your lawyer present.

Decisions About Settlement Offers

Once your claim has been submitted, you will probably be offered a settlement amount by your insurance agency. The first offer usually comes in low, but your lawyer can help you determine how much you are likely to get. While some people may be able to finagle a higher settlement, for some it may not be realistic to expect more than a settlement. Actually about 98% of accident cases end up taking a settlement.

Negotiate Settlement Offers

If you and your lawyer decide that the insurance company is just trying to get things over with quickly instead of rendering justice, it is completely alright to negotiate. A letter can be sent denying the settlement and offering a counter as to what your claim is worth. This is where a professional on your side really comes in handy. Negotiations can be time-consuming and challenging, though they sometimes pay off.

In conclusion, if you are struggling to get proper compensation for any injuries or damages that you may have undergone in an accident, an accident attorney can help. While some simple car accident cases can be figured out between the two drivers, the police, and their insurance companies, sometimes attorneys can actually make the process more simple. With an experienced accident attorney by your side, you may be able to solve problems before they become issues. 

For more information, contact companies like the one found at chicagoaccidentattorney.net.