Navigating the Aftermath: Steps to Take if You're Hit by a Car While Riding a Motorcycle

Posted on: 10 October 2023


Motorcycle accidents can be terrible, traumatic, and life-changing, especially if you're hit by a car. It can result in severe injuries such as broken bones, permanent disabilities, and even death. Therefore, it's essential to know what steps to take if you're involved in a motorcycle accident. This piece will discuss what to do if you were hit by a car while riding your motorcycle, including hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Seek Medical Attention

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, it is crucial to prioritize seeking medical assistance as your initial step. Even if you are not experiencing any immediate symptoms, certain injuries like concussions, can manifest with a delay. Therefore, it's essential to have a medical evaluation to rule out any serious injuries. Remember that your health should be your top priority.

Contact Law Enforcement

If you're able and have received medical attention, the next step is to contact law enforcement. It's crucial to get a police report filed so that you have legal documentation of the accident. This report will be essential when filing an insurance claim or pursuing legal action.

Gather Evidence

Before leaving the accident scene, try to gather as much evidence as possible. Take photos of the scene of the accident, the damage to your motorcycle, and the other driver's car. You should also take down the other driver's information, including their name, insurance details, and license plate number. This evidence will prove beneficial when submitting a claim to the insurance company or pursuing legal recourse.

Notify Your Insurance Company

After seeking medical attention, contacting law enforcement, and gathering evidence, you should notify your insurance company that you've been involved in an accident. Your insurance company will help you throughout the claims process and, if needed, provide legal defense on your behalf.

Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you've been hit by a car while riding your motorcycle, you should consider hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer. A lawyer will be able to help you with the insurance claim process and, if necessary, pursue legal action against the responsible party. Additionally, your lawyer will assist in collecting evidence, taking part in negotiations with insurance companies, and providing representation in court if the need arises.

If you've been involved in a motorcycle accident, especially if you were hit by a car, it's crucial to take the necessary steps to protect yourself legally and financially. This includes seeking medical attention, contacting law enforcement, gathering evidence, notifying your insurance company, and hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer. Knowing what to do can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. 

For more info, contact a local motorcycle accident lawyer